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Outdoor Concert Survival Checklist

Heading to an outdoor concert or two this summer? Attending a music festival comes with its own unique challenges. Planning ahead can mean the difference between ending the day on a high note or feeling exhausted. Be prepared with this outdoor concert survival checklist. Put together this survival kit and get ready to rock.

A water bottle

More and more festivals have water refill stations at convenient locations. Bring a reusable water bottle or a collapsible water pouch and stay hydrated and energized all day without ever having to pay $5 or more for a small disposable plastic bottle.

Sun protection

Summer festivals can get really hot. Overexposing yourself to the sun is one of the quickest ways to get exhausted. Pack sunscreen and consider adding a hat to your outfit. Avoid getting sunburned by replying sunblock throughout the day. Also, bring a pair of sunglasses with UV protection so you can watch your favorite band without squinting.

Comfortable Footwear

If you’re going to be on your feet all day long, make sure you wear comfortable shoes. There’s nothing worse than leaving a festival at the end of the night when your feet are killing you. Wear a comfortable pair of sneakers and avoid wearing sandals, they don’t offer much support and someone might stomp on your feet in the mosh pit. Pack Band-Aids just incase your sneakers start to rub. If you have a large enough bag, bring a change of shoes so you can keep dancing all night long.


Make sure you stay fueled to last the entire festival. Bring healthy snacks such as granola, protein bars, or fruit in your bag. If you find yourself feeling tired, have a snack. Boosting your blood sugar can help you get back in the game.


Hand Sanitizer/Hand Wipes

The bathroom situation at a festival or concert can be less than ideal. Make sure you bring have toilet paper, napkins or tissues on you incase the bathroom or porta potty doesn’t. Also bring hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes to clean your hands after you use the bathroom or before you eat.

Portable phone charger

Bring a small, portable phone charger incase your phone dies. You don’t want to lose your friends at the concert while you have a dead phone.

Enjoy going to outdoor concerts without any hassles with this survival checklist. Stay safe and have a great time!

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