Locally owned small businesses are vital components of many thriving communities. The unique role locally owned small businesses play was never more apparent than during the pandemic, when many such establishments were forced to close, reduce their hours of operation or downsize their offerings as consumers were urged to stay home and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
In the wake of those changes, communities across the country soon realized how vital local businesses are to their local economies. Job creation and tax revenue are two ways that locally owned small businesses support local economies. These businesses also make communities unique and serve as a source of pride for residents, which underscores the importance of supporting them as the world slowly emerges from the pandemic.
Plaid Friday was initially organized in Oakland, Calif., in 2009. Back then, Plaid Friday, which takes place on the day after Thanksgiving, was intended to serve as a more laid back alternative to Black Friday, a day that’s become as notorious for incidents threatening public safety as it has for great deals. Plaid Friday efforts promote locally owned small businesses and encourage residents to patronize these establishments as they begin their holiday shopping. Since 2009, Plaid Friday has caught on outside of Oakland, and many communities now embrace it. Many small business owners host Plaid Friday sales, and some even offer extra discounts to customers who wear plaid, which has come to symbolize support for small, independently owned businesses.
This year Plaid Friday occurs on November 26. Residents are urged to support small, locally owned businesses, many of which could use a boost after a challenging 2020 holiday season
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